Category: Katie's Inventions

1814 plastic surgery

The first plastic surgery took place in England.

Also Joseph Nicéphore Niépce was the first person to take a photograph. He took the picture by setting up a machine called the camera obscura in the window of his home in France. It took eight hours for the camera to take the picture.

The Refrigerator

In 1934 the first refrigerator is made. Here you can see what the first models looked like. Here it is more of a ice box with the refrigerator on top, this was invented by Jacob Perkins. Oliver Evans was the inventor of the mechanical piece that causes a refrigerator to stay cool, at least with a vapor now instead of the liquid. Before they had this working piece they would fill a box with ice, then throw all goods that needed to remain cool in. They would put things such as meats under the ice in the bottom since they needed to stay coolest then milk could sit on top, now with this new invention they could place their goods where they liked. Also in the early 1850’s Dr. John Gorrie invented the first ice maker. Now we can keep our food safe from bacteria and put ice in our drinks! This is so cool….literally!

The Bicycle

first invention of the Bicycle came into play in the early 19th century. This picture is of the first bicycle lay out, although many of these bikes were only ridden for short periods of time before someone would come out with a newer model. Since there were always new forms of bikes being invented there are many inventors of this vehicle. Some of the most famous inventors were Pierre Michaux and Pierre Lallement who added the mechanical crank which was connected to the pedals to keep the bike moving. Also in 1869 Thomas McCall invented the medal crank that we now use to steer the bike. Finally in the late 19th century cable pull brakes were invented but not widely used yet. These were only for avid riders at the time.

19th Century Food

1806 the first coffee pot is invented by Benjamin Thompson

1829 the gram cracker is invented by Sylvester Graham for the vegetarian diet.

1847 the candy bar was invented by Joseph Fry

1853 potato chip is invented by George Crum

1867 baby formula is invented by Henri Nestle for babies who could not eat their mothers breast milk

1870 chewing gum is invented by Thomas Adams

1886 Coke a cola is invented as mentioned in an earlier post.

1893 the Cracker Jack is invented by F.W. Rueckheim. It is not until 1912 they start inserting toys into every package

1894 Kelloggs corn flakes are invented my Will Keith Kellogg.    

1897 pudding is invented by Pearle B. Wait